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What I did on three glorious days of May:

Danced the sun up with my dance team. We are the ones in red. And we did indeed get up before dawn.


Two other teams: Bridgetown MorrisMen and Wild Rose Garland


IMG_5146My team again: Renegade Rose Morris, a bit later in the day.


Wrote poetry:

In one day, in leaps of feet
the clematis grew, teeming
and all around as poets say
the fecund earth is greening

the weeds indeed in company
set seeds in competition
as all the berried fruit will set
to ripen to fruition.

for some brief time in May, days bright
give recollect to Eden
the leaves delight, the flowers light
the garden, and our dreaming.


Got ready for drinks under the wisteria:


I plan to join up with Patti today at Visible Monday if I can.